Grief & Loss Specialist - Certified Life Coach
Ordained Spiritual Consultant
Workshop / Retreat Facilitator & Speaker
End of Life Doula

Teri Pugh, Ph.D, PCC
Despite effort, life get's crazy. We can find ourselves surfing waves of disconnect, anxiety and sadness. Without warning, waking up wondering "How the heck did I get here?!" I call this the "uncomfortable comfortable." An unexpected turbulence resulting from life unfolding in ways we never imagined; trauma, neglect, losses in job, life or relationships. We do our best to "deal with, ignore or power through" because that's what we've been taught, right?
The domino effect of unresolved/unaddressed "stuff" gets heavy and over time shows up in a variety of discomforts within our physical, emotional and mental bodies - leaving us feeling trapped in invisible shackles.
We manage to get by however, not truly feeling equipped or plugged-in to life, family or even our self.
Transcending Turbulence offers blueprints and tools which assist folks in reframing, thus plugging in to life.
The foundation is Willingness.
The pillars are Awareness, Accountability, Self-Kindness and Effective Communication.
If you're ready to transcend beyond life's crazy and sometimes emotionally paralyzing turbulence (maybe for the first time), together we can find a soft space where you can begin to feel safe inside yourself while inviting clarity and balance in your life -
I'd be honored to help you land there.
Here's to happier and healthier,
Ordained Spiritual Life Consultant
Certified Grief Specialist
Professional Certified Coach
Certified Holistic Life Coach
Certified Hospice Care-Giver
Course Facilitator at Riverbend Maximum Security Inst.
TEDx Speaker
Certified End Of Life Doula
Since 2013, I've facilitated classes on personal growth,
grief awareness, life skills, accountability and vulnerability
at Riverbend Maximum Security Prison.
The experience has been profound and life changing on
both ends.
Gandhi once said, "Be the change you wish to see in the world",
I couldn't agree more!