Wrote this sometime ago. I’ve been called to share it today. I’m trusting it finds the perfect heart space to settle within.
Reflective Woman -
I am not a weak woman however, at times I have been weak.
I am not a broken woman however, I have broken and been broke.
I am not a hateful woman however, I have certainly show up hateful.
I am not a vengeful woman however, I have been vindictive.
I am not a selfish woman, but aware there are times I’ve shown up selfish.
I am not an insecure woman however, I have without question shown up deeply insecure.
I am not a sad woman yet undeniably I’ve been sad.
I am not a hurtful woman however, there have been times I have let myself or others down.
I am a powerful, beautiful, compassionate woman…yet sometimes I feel so much less than.
I am a woman who has mis-stepped and unintentionally shown up in fear, insecurity or silence along this life journey.
In fact, I have stumbled A LOT.
I am a woman who has wrestled with her Littles...and have had to good fortunate to realize their tantrums were rooted in fear of losing what I loved most.
I am a woman calibrated to be coupled...
Yet find myself alone.
I am a woman who is lovable...
I love deeply and that love doesn’t fade easily.
I am a woman evolving everyday...
Diving deeper into myself, even when I want desperately to shun the mirrors reflection.
I am a woman who loves to love, and be loved.
I am a woman who believes in second chances yet, realizes sometimes they never come.
I am a woman who’s been deep in love and yet still found myself heartbroken.
I am a woman grateful for all that was and remain open to all that will be.
I am a woman who prays everyday for another’s happiness...
Even knowing it will not be shared with me.
While I have lost my footing, more times than I like to admit...My mis-steps along this journey in no way define me. I will forever remain willing to admit and own them.
I am not perfect. What I am is still growing, still evolving and still learning new ways to be the best version of myself.
I am a woman...a woman living, loving and and inviting peace.
Reflective Woman ©️
By: Teri Pugh

I love this Reflective Women Teri. ♥️